The Sushi in Japan
There’s much more to Japanese cuisine than just sushi. However, when you’re actually in Japan there is divine toro literally floating on conveyor belts in...
Read MoreThere’s much more to Japanese cuisine than just sushi. However, when you’re actually in Japan there is divine toro literally floating on conveyor belts in...
Read MoreCooler Kitchen loves fish tacos! For any summer grilling opportunity, there’s nothing better than quickly marinating a quality piece of fish in a few simple...
Read MoreWe begin this week by enjoying a bowl of noodles with dried shrimp and peanut in spicy sauce in Cooler Kitchen’s favorite neighborhood in Hong...
Read MoreIn Hong Kong it rained and rained and poured and rained some more. Sweeping buckets of rain. Warm, heavy sheets of rain. We had assumed that,...
Read MoreCooler Kitchen is traveling in Asia for the next month! Julie and Brandon write today from Hong Kong, where it may be raining milk tea...
Read MoreCooler Kitchen loves trying out new blended drink recipes in the summer! This time in the Outer Banks, we went for a homemade and super...
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